Thursday, October 7, 2010

How to prepared for a desert trip

Be prepared because while somewhere the desert may hide a well, there are other hidden surprises that might catch you unawares if you are not ready. Here are tips that can help as you prepare for the desert.
First of all load up as much water as you can carry. As it is, man can survive with no food for many days, but he can only last for three days without water. The desert is hot and you will not perspire and you will stay dry even under 105 degrees of its heat, but this is the catch.
Second, let someone know where you're going and when you expect to return. Inspect your tire-tread wear and maintain the proper air pressure indicated in your owner's manual.
Finally, arm yourself with a working compass. Maps are useless if you do not know the directions – whether you are going north, south, east or west.