Thursday, May 26, 2011

Hurricanes & Tornadoes

Two meaning of disaster or destroyer hurricanes & tornadoes, it’s the most natural destroyer thing both are same but with small differences and as it show in the table the similarities and the differences.

Firstly the minimum speed of hurricane 74 mph, whereas that tornado is 40 mph. Also the maximum speed of tornado its reach almost 250-300 mph but on the other hand the hurricane its reach 155-200 mph. Even The hurricane is classified on the Saffir-Simpson C1-5 scale, while the tornado is measured on the Fujita F0-F5 scale. While a tornado usually lasts from a few minutes to a few hours, a hurricane can last up to a week. A hurricane can be predicted 2 to 3 days in move forward for a wide area and 6 to 10 hours beforehand for a locality, but a tornado can be predicted only minutes before it hits. Hurricanes start over warm oceans but tornadoes usually originate over land.

In concise, tornadoes are less humdrum, last for a shorter period of time and can reach much higher wind speeds.

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