Sunday, February 20, 2011

Date Producing Countries 2001

Dates are healthy fruit but many people don’t know how many counties are producing the dates and how much they produce. Now I will show you the top three date producing countries in 2001.

First of all the overall top three of four producers are Egypt, Iran, Saudi Arabia and UAE. Egypt produced 200,000 tones more than Iran and Libya and Sudan accounted for less than 200,000 tones. Pakistan and Iraq with outputs of approximately 630,000 were not for behind. Also Egypt took the lion’s share of production with over a million tones but Iran is the close second with a most 0.9 million. After that Algeria supplied the world with nearly 400,000 tones and Oman around a quarter of a million. Following that are the UAE and Saudi Arabian rivalry each other with about 740.000 tones each. Finally Sudan and Libya’s crops yielded under 0.2 million each.

That is the simple information about one top ten date producing countries in 2001 bar graph.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Valentine's Day Gifts

Valentine’s Day, is the most popular day in the year. It’s important because the lovers celebrate and buy gifts for each other. Now I’ll write about types of gifts that men and women in the USA buy for each other on Valentine’s Day.

First of all I’ll talk about the similarities, what men buy for women and women for men. The same top three gifts are cards, flowers and candy, the most popular gift is candy I don’t know why. Also the jewelry almost the same because it shows in pie chart around 10%. The differences are spa 6% men bought for women but only 1% of women bought for men that mean men do not need to be more handsome then women. Also lingerie 7% of men bought for women but only 4% of women bought for men, the lingerie’s for women has many styles and shapes. Finally perfumes 10% of women bought for men but only 4% of men.

That is the simple description of pie charts about Valentine’s Day Gifts.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

UK Budget 1996

The pie - chart tells us about the UK Budget in 1996 and where the money goes. I'll describe now this pie - chart in a few lines.

The chart shows the UK Budget goes to many different useful places. We will start with the Health and Personal social services sector; it cost around £53 billion. After that the Law and Order Sector cost around £17 billion. Also a useful sector like Education cost around £38 billion. Industry agticulture and employment was around £13 billion. Now we reach almost £121 billion.Other money goes on Defence, £22 billion, debt interest, around £25 billion, Housing, Heritage and Environment around £15 billion, and other expenditure £23 billion. Finally the biggest amount is for social security and it costs around £100 billion.

The outstanding feature of the pie chart is the spending on social security which was around one third of the total budget and more than was spent on health and education.