Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Valentine's Day Gifts

Valentine’s Day, is the most popular day in the year. It’s important because the lovers celebrate and buy gifts for each other. Now I’ll write about types of gifts that men and women in the USA buy for each other on Valentine’s Day.

First of all I’ll talk about the similarities, what men buy for women and women for men. The same top three gifts are cards, flowers and candy, the most popular gift is candy I don’t know why. Also the jewelry almost the same because it shows in pie chart around 10%. The differences are spa 6% men bought for women but only 1% of women bought for men that mean men do not need to be more handsome then women. Also lingerie 7% of men bought for women but only 4% of women bought for men, the lingerie’s for women has many styles and shapes. Finally perfumes 10% of women bought for men but only 4% of men.

That is the simple description of pie charts about Valentine’s Day Gifts.

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