Sunday, February 20, 2011

Date Producing Countries 2001

Dates are healthy fruit but many people don’t know how many counties are producing the dates and how much they produce. Now I will show you the top three date producing countries in 2001.

First of all the overall top three of four producers are Egypt, Iran, Saudi Arabia and UAE. Egypt produced 200,000 tones more than Iran and Libya and Sudan accounted for less than 200,000 tones. Pakistan and Iraq with outputs of approximately 630,000 were not for behind. Also Egypt took the lion’s share of production with over a million tones but Iran is the close second with a most 0.9 million. After that Algeria supplied the world with nearly 400,000 tones and Oman around a quarter of a million. Following that are the UAE and Saudi Arabian rivalry each other with about 740.000 tones each. Finally Sudan and Libya’s crops yielded under 0.2 million each.

That is the simple information about one top ten date producing countries in 2001 bar graph.

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