Thursday, May 26, 2011

Argument essay about smoking

Smoking is a common observable fact that can cause many serious diseases. There is many people smoking, many of them are working in very busy jobs like a banks. Although it is harmful, but they said that help some people to relax. I will start with the helpful points.

First of all, smoking can help smokers to relax from the stressful daily works, because it increase the nicotine in the blood so it keep the person fell relax. Some people think it makes them feel good when they are nervous. Moreover, people have the right to smoke as long as they smoke away from people and public places. Next, many poor people in most poor countries depend mainly on tobacco farms to survive.
Now the unhelpful side of smoking. First smoking is a major cause of lung cancer and heart disease as well as many other bad diseases. Next, smoking near people in public places like shopping malls, coffee shops and at the office is not only harming you, it’s also harming other people around you.

In conclusion, I’d like to say that I can value the lack of restrictions of smokers, but I believe they should think about it twice as it is harmful for them and for others.

Hurricanes & Tornadoes

Two meaning of disaster or destroyer hurricanes & tornadoes, it’s the most natural destroyer thing both are same but with small differences and as it show in the table the similarities and the differences.

Firstly the minimum speed of hurricane 74 mph, whereas that tornado is 40 mph. Also the maximum speed of tornado its reach almost 250-300 mph but on the other hand the hurricane its reach 155-200 mph. Even The hurricane is classified on the Saffir-Simpson C1-5 scale, while the tornado is measured on the Fujita F0-F5 scale. While a tornado usually lasts from a few minutes to a few hours, a hurricane can last up to a week. A hurricane can be predicted 2 to 3 days in move forward for a wide area and 6 to 10 hours beforehand for a locality, but a tornado can be predicted only minutes before it hits. Hurricanes start over warm oceans but tornadoes usually originate over land.

In concise, tornadoes are less humdrum, last for a shorter period of time and can reach much higher wind speeds.

Underground Train Systems (compaisons graph)

This table provides information about the underground train systems operating in five cities in four big countries the USA, Japan, France and Britain.

First of all I will start with the oldest and longest train system, that is London which opened on 1863 and it now have a length of 394km; also it carried 77 million passengers. Second is Paris; it opened in 1900 and it is 199km long and it carried 189 million passengers in 2010. More over Tokyo opened in 1927 and it is 155km long and carried around 192 million passengers in 2010; the biggest of the five carries. Kyoto was established in 1981 but it has 11km long and this is smallest of the five cities. Also it carried 45 million passengers in 2010. Finally Boston opened in 2001 with 28km long and it carried 50 million passengers in 2010.

That was the simple description of the underground train systems in five major cities in the world.

Friday, April 8, 2011

traffic probloms

Abu Dhabi is the largest city on the world, because of that it’s the most crawdad city on the emirates. Every day the population on the city increase and there are no any spaces on parking so a lot of people complain about this problem and also they are suffering from police fines.

The reason for the traffic problems the new increasing on economic development and the population is wealthy enough to afford motor cars. More over the insures companies they loss more than profit because the increasing on cars accidents and on the other hand people they use the cars in UAE without any care about the public transportations because of the wither is to hot on summer season.

The best solutions of that common problem are to increase the spaces of parking with strict roles to keep the people consider about the organizing. Also educate the people about the important public transportation even to built air conditions room for the bus stations.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Plastic bags

In the old days our grandfathers used paper bags when shopping. You know why? Because it’s healthy and they can use them for many purposes and also they can use them more than once in shopping. Now I will write about the plastic bags and how they can be a big problem if we don’t try to control the usage.

Plastic bags are made of polyethylene and this material is made of crude oil and you know the crude oil is poisonous and sometimes causes skin cancer. Also in tests they found that the plastic bags need ten thousand years to degrade. So imagine how it can be if we use these kinds of bags every day and after we use it we just throw them in the garbage.
Here are best two solutions about how we can protect our planet and how we can control the usage of plastic bags. First we try to inform the people about the biggest problem we face with this kind of bag. Second we should use the papers bags or we should recycle the plastic bags to protect our environment.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Date Producing Countries 2001

Dates are healthy fruit but many people don’t know how many counties are producing the dates and how much they produce. Now I will show you the top three date producing countries in 2001.

First of all the overall top three of four producers are Egypt, Iran, Saudi Arabia and UAE. Egypt produced 200,000 tones more than Iran and Libya and Sudan accounted for less than 200,000 tones. Pakistan and Iraq with outputs of approximately 630,000 were not for behind. Also Egypt took the lion’s share of production with over a million tones but Iran is the close second with a most 0.9 million. After that Algeria supplied the world with nearly 400,000 tones and Oman around a quarter of a million. Following that are the UAE and Saudi Arabian rivalry each other with about 740.000 tones each. Finally Sudan and Libya’s crops yielded under 0.2 million each.

That is the simple information about one top ten date producing countries in 2001 bar graph.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Valentine's Day Gifts

Valentine’s Day, is the most popular day in the year. It’s important because the lovers celebrate and buy gifts for each other. Now I’ll write about types of gifts that men and women in the USA buy for each other on Valentine’s Day.

First of all I’ll talk about the similarities, what men buy for women and women for men. The same top three gifts are cards, flowers and candy, the most popular gift is candy I don’t know why. Also the jewelry almost the same because it shows in pie chart around 10%. The differences are spa 6% men bought for women but only 1% of women bought for men that mean men do not need to be more handsome then women. Also lingerie 7% of men bought for women but only 4% of women bought for men, the lingerie’s for women has many styles and shapes. Finally perfumes 10% of women bought for men but only 4% of men.

That is the simple description of pie charts about Valentine’s Day Gifts.